Physical Education and Sports

​​​All classes from P – 6 receive weekly PE lessons from a PE specialist teacher.  Classroom teachers teach health lessons as set out in the Australian Curriculum.

​​​​​School Sports Program​


An Inter​house Swimming Carnival is held in Term 1. This involves students from Years 3-6. Students in Years P - 2 participate in the Swimming Program in Terms 1. Swimming lessons are provided by qualified swimming instructors from the Logan North Swimming Pool.  Students travel to and from the pool by bus.​

Cross Country
All students are involved in the Interhouse Cross Country which is held in Term 2.  
In Term 2 or Term 3, Interhouse Athletics Carnivals are held for students in Prep - Year 2 and Years 3-6. This involves both track and field events. ​

Gala Days

​Students in Year 4, 5 and 6 participate in a friendly competition against other local Catholic schools. Various sports (e.g. Australian Rules, Touch, Korfball, Zoned Soccer, European Handball and Cricket) are offered. Students nominate the sport they wish to play and will practice every week at school in the weeks leading up to the Gala Day.​​


​​Extra-Curricular Sports Program​​​


QC Cup Netball and Samsung Cup

Netball competitions with other Catholic and state schools that promote competition and friendship. ​


Mako Cup and Rugby Union Catholic School 7s

Boys and girls in senior school are selected to take part in the competitions. 

Cross Country

​Cross Country Training is offered to students who wish to train during the cross-country season. Students of any age group can attend training.​​​​

​Outside School Hours Sports
(Held at various times during the year)

Rookies to Reds (Rugby)

First Swing (Golf)


AusKick (AFL)


St Peter’s Netball Club

Representative Opportunities: Selected students represent St Peter's School at various State, Regional and Catholic sports events.