The Support Team: ST-IE (The Support Teacher – Inclusive Education) and School Guidance Counsellor (GC)
Our ST-IE and School Guidance Counsellor hours are allocated each year by Brisbane
Catholic Education according to school enrolment numbers and student needs. Both work in partnership with the class teacher, parents/caregivers, the administration team and other associated professionals to plan for students with learning differences in order to maximise their access to the curriculum and to ensure the best possible outcomes for each student.
Parents play an important role in this partnership and cooperation, communication and collaboration are all essential for successful outcomes for our students.
Parents/caregivers may be:
- invited to attend child study team meetings to address issues in relation to their child
- invited to attend parent/teacher interviews with the class teacher and the ST-IE
- invited to drop in to the Rainbow Room for an informal chat with regards to their child
- sent a letter outlining planned intervention for their child
- referred to outside agencies for help in managing their child's difficulties
Intervention programs are complementary to classroom teaching and are planned in conjunction with classroom teachers and other associated professionals if applicable. The parent/caregiver will be notified of any short term strategic, targeted or intensive interventions. The primary educational care of any student remains with the classroom teacher.
It is not the practice of the ST-IE or GC to issue written reports at the completion of intervention programs. However, parents are encouraged to make an appointment with their child's class teacher and/or the ST-IE/GC if they wish to discuss their child's progress or if they have any queries or concerns regarding intervention programs.
The following is a summary of St Peter's Learning Support Intervention Programs.
In Class Support
The ST-IE may work in the classroom in conjunction with the Class Teacher to support one or more students who are experiencing difficulty. This support may be long or short term and may extend across key learning areas.
Short Term Programs
- At the request of the class teacher
- Any Key Learning Area
- Very specific objectives
Long Term Programs
- Referral from class teacher, principal, other professional
- Broader objectives than for short term programs
- Parents may be requested to attend interview and complete student information form
- Placement reviewed at the end of each term
- Parents may be requested to attend end of semester interview
The Rainbow Room
The room used by the Support Teacher – Inclusive Education will be known as the Rainbow Room. It will be used for consultation, assessment, resource storage and other duties necessary to the role. All students, parents and members of staff are welcome and encouraged to visit the Rainbow Room.
This room and the school chill out space also offer space to cater for individual and small group socialisation and play time needs.
Child Study Team Meetings
Child Study team meetings are school based meetings which aim to provide guidance and support for classroom teachers of students presenting with additional needs or high support needs. Students who are experiencing significant difficulties in areas which affect their learning are referred to this team, for example, social-emotional and/or behavioural difficulties, severe learning difficulties or disabilities.
A team of relevant personnel meet with the classroom teacher to discuss the student and consider appropriate intervention. Relevant personnel may include members of the District Support Team (the Special Education Consultant and the Guidance Counsellor), the Principal, the Learning Support Teacher, Parents and School Officers.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Peter's Catholic Primary School (2024).