'Learning Through Christ' is our school motto that recognises that our Catholic School is centred around the teachings and actions of Jesus. Jesus' life, death and resurrection offers a world view of hope for each individual to live life to the full. Founded by the Presentation Sisters in 1976, St Peter's focuses on students growing academically, displaying a love of learning, and forming spiritually, to be able to transform and enrich our world.
St Peter's School shares and promotes the Vision for Religious Education articulated by Brisbane Catholic Education and the wider church, to teach students about the Catholic religion and to teach them to be religious in the Catholic faith tradition. Through the Religious Education Curriculum, students are offered access to faith development that is rich and life-giving. Nurturing spirituality is central to our mission and the School and Parish work together with Families to grow in faith, learning and peace.
The Vision for Religious Education emphasises the complementarity of the two dimensions of Religious Education and articulates a school’s aspirations for students in terms of their religious literacy and faith formation. In that sense the Vision begins with “the end in mind”.
The schools and colleges of the Archdiocese of Brisbane aspire to educate and form students who are challenged to live the gospel of Jesus Christ and who are literate in the Catholic and broader Christian tradition so that they might participate critically and authentically in faith contexts and wider society.
A Community in Learning:
Through the Brisbane Catholic Education Religion Curriculum, students participate in 30 minutes each day of teaching and learning activities to develop their religious Knowledge, Understanding and Skills. The curriculum is organised into four, interrelated strands: Beliefs, Sacred Texts, Church and Christian Life. Parents can access each term's learning focus for their child by reading the 'Curriculum Capers' updates on the Parent Portal.
A Community in Faith:
Faith is celebrated and shared through the Religious Life of the School. Students, staff and families have regular opportunities to gather for prayer. Each class participates in daily prayer and we gather as a whole school community each Friday to begin school assembly with prayer. Students are exposed to a variety of prayer experiences, including being taught traditional prayers as part of their Year Level Religion Curriculum. In partnership with our Parish, we gather regularly for mass as a class or whole school to celebrate in the church. All families are invited to join in these moments of prayer. Preparation for students to receive the Sacraments of Initiation is co-ordinated by the parish and students are supported in their preparation by the school.
A Community in Peace:
We live our faith by showing Gospel values in our relationships and social justice initiatives. Following the example of Jesus and our patrons Nano Nagle and St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, we aspire to realise God's plan that people help each other to live safely and happily together for the goodness of all. Through our partnership with St Vincent de Paul, Caritas Australia we have opportunities throughout the year for fundraising activities to help those in need globally and locally. The St Peter's community also value and respect diversity and promote sustainable practises to care for the environment.
A copy of the current St Peter's Religious Education Program can be accessed here
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Peter's Catholic Primary School (2024).